Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Domestic Politics Essay Example for Free

Domestic Politics Essay Trade which means the exchange of goods and services for money is very important for the growth of any country’s economy. This business industry has continually changed over time. This can be clearly seen because a long time ago there was barter trade which is the exchange of goods with other goods or services. Initially there was no medium of exchange but later money was introduced. Traditionally, trade was also conducted within boundaries of countries that is local trade. However the arena has completely changed nowadays. This has been caused by the fact that the transportation of goods and services is easy. People, goods and services can be transported through air, rail, water or even road. This in turn means that space otherwise known as distance between the producer of goods and services and the consumer is not an issue. There is therefore a free flow of services, people and goods from one country to another. This means that there is international trade. However, international trade is affected by the domestic policies of the country as well and the politics of all other countries involved. This paper will study the effects of the politics of globalization in China. Yanrui argues that the economy of China has changed since the economic reforms which took place in 1978 (1). According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, her economy comes third. United States is ranked first followed by Japan. China’s economy has been growing very rapidly. It has been having a constant Gross Domestic Product growth rate of more than 10per cent. Her per capita income has also been increasing with time. Her economy is continually improving because she concentrates in ensuring that there is equitable sharing of resources as well as aiming at lowering the poverty levels. Additionally, (Dadush 1) notes that China is doing considerably well in the international market as she is the leading exporter and the second largest importer of services and goods. On the same note (Yanrui 2), states that there are two major factors responsible for the economic advancements in China. The first factor is growth of investments which between 1979 and 2004 grew at a rate of 12 per cent. The high growth of investments was caused by many foreign organizations investing directly and also the high rate of savings. This means that the foreign organizations invested in China as citizen and thus this is corporate citizenship. The organizations in turn save some money in the country. He observe that there was a very high increase in the ratio of domestic savings and Gross Domestic Product. The figure had increased up to 74. 8 per cent in 2004 compared to 10. 1 per cent in 1979. (Yanrui 2) continues to emphasize the fact that china’s economy has improved due to her increased exports. The exports rates were 18 per cent between 1979 and 2004. Yanrui continues to state that another factor to be considered in measuring the growth rate of China is the domestic consumption. The number of people acquiring cars increased at a rate of 24. 1 per cent per year between 2001 and 2004. This shows that they have money and thus the economy is doing well. It clearly indicates that due to the improvement in the country’s economy a lot of people had the purchasing power due to low prices of commodities and the taxes levied on the goods and services had reduced and hence most people could buy them. The economy of a country is highly affected by her politics Keohane (2). He continues to argue that the domestic politics of a country in turn affects the world economy. It is therefore necessary to consider how domestic politics, globalization influence each other in China. In China in 1949, the government used to control the prices of commodities, control some important policies such as the banking and financial policies. This hindered economic development and as a result her economy was not growing at a fast pace. After 1978 the Chinese government controlled only a few industries such as the one dealing with air travel. The Chinese government ensures that the activities in each sector of the economy are controlled by institutions or organizations such as Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture among others. The operations of some other organizations are supervised by the State Council. The State council has offices in other locations nearer to the institutions it supervises. The state council implements the policies regarding the economy. This is done by controlling financial operations of the organizations, ensuring that some resources such as transport, labor and raw materials among others are equitably shared and they also control the tax issues. Taxes can lead to a poor economy because they make the prices to shoot upwards if they are high. This in turn lowers the demand for the goods. Zhiyue (1) states that it is of paramount importance for China to attain democracy. However it is a hard task to decide which democracy model should be implemented in China. He (145) notes that there are four democratization models that china could use. They are: social capital theory, modernization theory, negotiation-pact and the modernization theory. Each of these will be elaborated. The social mobilization theory states that democracy is not achieved by mere economic advancement (He 147). The modernization theory on the other hand (145) advocates for the fact that if a country is economically developed it is most likely to achieve high levels of democracy. The third theory which is negotiation-pact stipulates that the learned and the political leader are very important in order for a country to achieve democracy (He 153). He also notes that it is viewed as the most secure model for transition. He (154) continues to elaborate that for a country like China to attain democracy various factors which include the culture, her economic development, the politicians and the social classes have to be considered. In addition to considering these factors any other important issue should be put into consideration. A balance should be stricken between the various factors in order to achieve democracy without violence which could lead to unnecessary loss of property and lives. Therefore in attempt to answer the question it is worth noting that China’s economy is doing well. This means that there is increased trade, income and saving are high, the prices and inflation rates are low. This basically means that the economic arena is good. However, China has not yet attained democracy. Yanrui (2006) observes that globalization is the ability of the Chinese economy to interact profitably with the international business community. He additionally states that a country’s level of globalization can be gauged by looking at how the international business affects its economy. China has made use of the international trade and thus her exports rose to 593. 4 United States billion dollars in 2004 up from 9. 8 billion United States dollars. It is at this point that I would like to note that the domestic politics of a country affects her globalization. The political system of a country determines whether there will be free flow of goods, capital, services and people in and out of the country. As has already been stated above for a country to be considered internationalized it has to engage in international trade. Thanks to the Chinese government which discovered this earlier and implemented the 1978 reforms. This encouraged international trade which has made her economy to improve dramatically. However, this should not cause the countries to lose their political identity in the name of being internationalized. China has an edge over any other country that has not reached her level. (He 139) notes that the China is almost developing to the level of the developed world. He also observes that though China has developed in terms of trade she still lacks in the democracy (140). This is therefore a clear indicator that China has a democratic deficit which is caused by its communist system. It is therefore important for China to look for a suitable democratic model which she should implement in order to avert the democratic deficit. He adds that ninety per cent of the people in China feel that they should have democracy (145). China has become a very important destination for any organization in the world. The Economists intelligence Unit (10) notes that there is no serious multinational that can afford to ignore China in its business operations. It continues to elaborate that the emergence of a stable market which is easily accessible makes China a preferred market for many multinationals. To ensure that the multinationals adhere to the expected standards China has introduced laws and regulations to cater for the organizations. Global Corporate citizenship is whereby a multinational company registers in a particular country such as China in order for it to conduct business in the host country. This is done in China and it is important because those companies who conduct business in China are conversant with her laws and hence security is maintained despite there being foreigners in China. The foreigners feel part and parcel of the country. It is important that each and every country discover that though the economy could be doing very well they should also ensure that they attain democracy. They should consider the democratization theories and and come with a model that will favor them. Domestic politics should ensure that country develops economy wise. The factors of production as well as the resources should be distributed equitably for the benefit of all citizens and any other party willing to conduct business in the country. Works Cited. Dadush, Uri. Global outlook: Not your average Crisis. Massachusetts, International Economic Bulletin, 2010. Economist Intelligence Unit. Coming of Age: Multinational Companies in China. Hongkong, Russell Reynolds Associates Economist Intelligence Unit,2004. He, Kai, and Huiyun, Feng. â€Å"A path to democracy: In search of China’s Democratization Model Vol 32, No. 3, 2008. Keohane,Robert, and Helen Milner. Internationalization and domestic politics. United Kingdom,the press syndicate of the University of Cambridge,1996. MIT department of political science. Politics of globalization. Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2009. Yanrui, Wu. Economic growth transition and globalization in China: advances in Chinese Economic studies. U. K: Edward and elgar Publishing Ltd. , 2006. .Zhiyue,Bo. China’s model of democracy. Chicago, Political Science Association, 2009.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Nooligan and Street Boy Essay -- English Literature

Nooligan and Street Boy The poems "Nooligan" by Roger McGough and "Street Boy" by Gareth Owen are two poems which both deal with the issue of teenage hooliganism, and both poets use language to create a vivid sense of character. Although both deal with the same theme, there are many similarities and differences between the two. "Nooligan" is about a boy who thinks he is really powerful and harsh but is actually an uneducated boy trying to be a real hooligan. "Street Boy" is also about a hooligan except that he actually is more powerful and has a higher status than the inferior "Nooligan". One of the main similarities is that both the poets present the characters as using slang language or some sort of incorrect form of English. In "Nooligan" for example the boy says in the fourth line of the third verse: Football's me game (Well, watchin') McGough has used "me" instead of my. This portrays the "Nooligan" as unintelligent and uneducated because of the use of words and grammar, because the poem gives us an impression that "Nooligan" isn't the type of person who would work hard (he doesn't "give a toss"), I'm not surprised at the hooligan's English. The use of slang by the hooligan in "Street Boy" is the word "hark" instead of listen or hear and "stompin'" instead of walking. The effects that these two words put on us are that we start to think that the boy actually does have some power and attitude, and we believe that he actually is the bully that he's talking about. But at the same time, the use of these slang words makes the characters appear to be foolish and idiotic. Another similarity that the poet employs in the two poems is that in both of them, the first line of each verse is the sa... ...he is. The words "stompin'", "silence", "spaced", "stoned" all show that. In conclusion, the two poems are very interesting and engaging in terms of the use of words, tone, structure etc. The poets Roger McGough ("Nooligan") and Gareth Owen ("Street Boy") use specific techniques to give the poems a certain effect. There are differences and similarities between the two obviously. The main similarity is the poets' use of slang and an incorrect form of English and the main difference is the language and vocabulary between the two poems. Something worth mentioning is that the poets have made the poems relate to all teenagers in general since the name of the "Nooligan" and the "Street Boy" aren't given. So overall, there are a lot of similarities and differences between the two, but both are to the point and give you a general idea of what the poem is about.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Essay

In recent years healthcare systems have become more like business entities than health care providers. Technology is continually evolving so is healthcare and its financial approach. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), is a guide used by healthcare providers to account for their financial activities. GAAP is a guideline or a group of objectives and concepts that have evolved over 500 years from the basic concepts of Luca Pacioli set forth in the 1400s (Omar, 2010). It comprises a set of principles that have been developed by the accounting profession. According to Saunders (1993), â€Å"Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) established the rules and guidelines which require CPAs to indicate whether an audited set of financial statements is in compliance with GAAP† (p. 104). They are five principles and each one will be discussed in relation to healthcare. These are paramount to the effectiveness of business accounting. Accounting principles include the follo wing: accounting entity, money measurement, duality, cost evaluation, and stable monetary unit. Accounting Entity An accounting entity is the business or corporation that performs clear economic activities, separate from any personal economic endeavors (Cleverly, Cleverly, & Song 2011). In health care accounting entities can be surgical centers, hospitals, clinics, home health agencies, nursing homes, or other entities that are part of a larger health care network. An accounting entity requires financial records that define organizations financial activities that are clear and concise. Cleverly, Cleverly & Song (2011) states that if an entity is not properly defined, evaluation of its financial information may be useless at best and misleading at worst. The entity is expected to maintain its accounting records in accordance to GAAP. Money Measurement Measurement is the process of determining the monetary amounts at which the elements of the financial statements are to be recognized and carried in the balance sheet and income statement as a contribution to the accounting theory of extensive measurement (Scrimnger, & Musvoto,2011). Resources and liabilities have to be considered and calculated to determine accurate money measurement in an organization. These resources are referred to as assets, which include money, buildings and equipment. In health care these assets include, buildings, cash-flow, and equipment. Liabilities will be salaries to the employees and loans owed from banks and any other companies they are in business with. In most normal situations assets exceed liabilities in money measured value (Cleverly, Cleverly & Song 2011). An entity shall not recognize an element of financial statement unless a reliable value can be assigned to it. Duality. This is a fundamental convention of accounting that necessitates the recog nition of all aspects of an accounting transaction. According to Cleverly, Cleverly & Song (2011), â€Å"The value of assets must always equal the combined value of liabilities and residual interest, which we have called net assets†. He goes on to explain the basic accounting equation, the duality principle, may be stated as follows: Assets=Liabilities +Net assets. In any given situation the value of assets will always equal the value of claims. Cost valuation. When looking at an organization one needs to know about the assets and their value. When assets are recognized the basis for valuation needs to be determined. The two bases are historical and fair value (Saunders, 1993). The amount paid for the asset is the basis for valuation which is referred to historic and fair value is the amount an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable willing parties. The firm’s accounting statements reflect the company’s financial status and this is presented in the balance sheet. GAAPs in the United States require the valu ation of fixed assets at historical cost, adjusted for any estimated gain and loss in value from improvements and the aging, respectively, of these assets. As mentioned previously hospitals now operate as business entities, and their accounting operation is the same as any other entity. Stable monetary unit. In any organization, the monetary unit principle assumes that the value of the unit currency in which you record transactions remains stable over time. This concept allows accountants to disregard the effect of in inflation, a  decrease in terms of real goods of what the dollar can purchase. Monetary unit assumption makes accounting process manageable however it can be problematic. If in any case the value of money changes rapidly due to market conditions or policy changes, a business’s financial statements may be less useful for comparison with prior records (Omar, 2010). Accounting focuses on the financial aspects of the business and that too for matters which can be expressed in terms of currencies. Nurse Managers must be able to communicate with financial managers of the organization as they help steer the overall direction of the organization (Saunders, 1993). The health care operation relies on revenues from patients billing and in turn help sustain the business on them and any other income. Health care systems are able to run business successfully by using GAAP guidelines. We have seen in this discussion that the five principles of accounting are essential in daily business operation. The understanding of accounting entity, money measurement, duality, cost valuation and stable monetary unit will help any health organization to manage their finances well. References Cleverly, W. O., Cleverly, J. O., & Song, P. H. (2011) Essentials of health care finance (7th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Omar, O. (2010). Why Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Should Inform U.C.C. Article 9 Decisions. Texas Journal Of Law Review, 89(1), 207-226. Saunders, G. (1993) Accounting principles (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Scrimnger, C. C., & Musvoto, S.W. (2011). The Accounting Concept of Measurement And The Thin Line Between Representational Measurement Theory And The Classical Theory of Measurement. Journal of International Business and Economics Research, 10(5), 59-68.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Dollar Sign ($) and Underscore (_) in JavaScript

The  dollar sign ($)  and the  underscore  (_) characters are JavaScript identifiers, which just means that they identify an object in the same way a name would.  The  objects they identify include things such as variables, functions, properties, events, and objects. For this reason, these characters are not treated  the same way as other special symbols. Instead, JavaScript treats  $  and  _  as if they were  letters of the alphabet. A JavaScript identifier  Ã¢â‚¬â€ again, just a name for any object  Ã¢â‚¬â€ must start with a lower or upper case letter, underscore (_), or dollar sign ($); subsequent characters can also include digits (0-9).  Anywhere that an alphabetic character is allowed in JavaScript, 54 possible letters are available: any lowercase letter (a through z), any uppercase letter (A through Z), $ and _. The Dollar ($) Identifier The dollar sign is commonly used as a shortcut to the function document.getElementById(). Because this function is fairly verbose and used frequently in JavaScript, the $ has long been used as its alias, and  many of the libraries available for use with JavaScript create a  $()  function that references an element from the DOM if you pass it the id of that element. There is nothing about $ that requires it to be used this way, however. But it has been the convention, although there is nothing in the language to enforce it. The dollar sign $ was chosen for the function name by the first of these libraries because it is a short one-character word, and $  was least likely to be used by itself as a function name and therefore the least likely to clash with other code in the page. Now multiple libraries are providing their own version of the $() function, so many now provide the option to turn off that definition in order to avoid clashes.   Of course,  you dont need to use a library to be able to use $(). All you need to substitute $() for document.getElementById() is to add a definition of the $() function to your code as follows: function $(x) {return document.getElementById(x);} The Underscore _ Identifier   A convention has also developed regarding the use of _, which is frequently used to preface the name of an objects property or method that is private. This is a quick and easy way to immediately identify a private class member, and it is so widely used, that almost every programmer will recognize it. This is particularly useful in JavaScript since defining fields as private or public is done without the use of the  private and public keywords (at least this is true in the versions of JavaScript used in web browsers — JavaScript 2.0 does allow these keywords). Note that again, as with $, the use of _ is merely a convention and is not enforced by JavaScript itself. As far as JavaScript is concerned, $ and _ are just ordinary letters of the alphabet. Of course, this special treatment of $ and _  applies only within JavaScript itself. When you test for alphabetic characters in the data, they are treated as special characters no different from any of the other special characters.